The dream of a former officemate of mine at ThinkGeek, Mini Museum was an unparalleled Kickstarter success. I helped with a very basic edit of the first companion guide, making sure all the capital letters and commas were in the right places.
They were creating the Age of Dinosaurs when they heard I’d been laid off. They reached out to me to see if I could help out with the companion guide to the latest Mini Museum.
When I take on a new client, I give an estimate of how long I think the work will take and how much that would cost and then work a sample piece to ensure that estimate is accurate. Although they died off 65 million years ago, dinosaurs are a constant source of new discoveries by paleontologists. The time it took me to compile and assimilate all the latest data on a species and present it succinctly just didn’t make sense for either of us, but my sample ended up in the printed companion guide anyhow.